Cured Cases - Homoepathy can heal

Homeopathy (‘similar suffering’ in Greek) works by stimulating the body’s own healing power to clear itself of any imbalance. It is holistic and so treats the whole person, not just the illness. Homeopathic medicines can cure numerous illnesses, both acute and chronic. The treatment is curative and in some cases it is palliative, when the illness is irreversible.

Pallative care is focused on relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness.


Bed Wetting

A child of 4 years was brought for his chief complaint of bed-wetting, lack of appetite and vomiting. He was fussy about food and seldom asked for anything to eat…

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Anxiety Neurosis

A woman aged 45 years came with the chief complaint of breathlessness,which increased (became worst) while walking and talking. She was anxious...

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Mr K aged 55 years came with the chief complaint of vertigo since 6 months. It was associated with vomiting and discomfort which felt better on sleeping…

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Motion Sickness

A young boy aged 8 years came with the complaint of nausea and vomiting while travelling. Journey in a car or bus was rather uncomfortable…

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A child aged 6 years had recurrent attacks of throat infection with swelling of the glands in the neck. Swallowing became extremely difficult...

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Heal Me

Homeopathy can cure numerous illnesses, both acute and chronic. The treatment is curative and in some cases it is palliative, when the illness is irreversible.…

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